I need to connect to a third-party Cisco AnyConnect VPN.

In my Windows PC, am using CLI openconnect client from https://gitlab.com/openconnect/openconnect

The VPN works perfectly fine, however it blocks navigation to other Internet sites. I suppose that all Internet traffic is forwarded through the VPN, and this should not happen.

(Please notice that I have exactly the same issue with Cisco AnyConnect Client; this is the reason why I tried with OpenConnect).

Inside the VPN, my IP is 10.127.94.xxx and I have to reach two different servers located at 10.128.230.yyy and 172.25.98.zzz

So I ask, how can I set up openconnect/routes so that the VPN is used only for these two IP's?

Thank you.

  • 2
    Check if the client Apps and/or the target VPN have split tunnel enabled
    – anon
    Commented Jul 1, 2023 at 18:36
  • Thank you for your hint. Googling, I found out that there exist a tool "vpn-slice" that allows split tunnelling in Linux; however it does not work in Windows :( Commented Jul 1, 2023 at 20:53
  • NCP Secure Entry permits split tunnel. It works in Windows
    – anon
    Commented Jul 1, 2023 at 21:01

1 Answer 1


I found out how to enable "split tunnel" with OpenConnect. Take the default script vpnc-script-win.js, it is inside c:\Programs\OpenConnect folder; find where the environment "env" is loaded: https://gitlab.com/openconnect/vpnc-scripts/-/blob/master/vpnc-script-win.js#L25

and there add CISCO_SPLIT_INC configuration:

env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC") = 3;   // how many IP's to reach in VPN network
env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC_0_ADDR") = '10.128.230.yyy'; // first IP
env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC_0_MASK") = '';
env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC_1_ADDR") = '172.25.98.zzz'; // second IP
env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC_1_MASK") = '';
env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC_2_ADDR") = '172.25.68.www'; // DNS
env("CISCO_SPLIT_INC_2_MASK") = '';

Hope this can help somebody.

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