Assume, In my router I have activated two packages. One gives me normal data and the other gives unlimited youtube access. If I use a VPN, it routes all traffics through it's server which will just finish using my regular data for youtube usage. When I was trying to find a solution for this, I came across an VPN feature, "Split Tunnelling" and I tried to use it. The problem I have in using this is. My VPN shows only two options exclude or include, apps or ip_address but not for a domain name. When I ping youtube.com without VPN and with VPN the IP Addresses are different. So, I am not sure how to set this up.

Is there any workaround to exclude domain youtube.com on proton vpn.

  • By 'normal data' do you mean it's a metered/limited connection? I can't see any other reason you wouldn't have 'unlimited youtube' on any internet connection.
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Jun 17, 2023 at 13:27
  • To be more clear for example I have a data package that gives me 20GB for internet usage. And also I have another data package that gives unlimited access to YouTube only. If I connect through vpn isp will detect the usage is going not through youtube ip and it doesn't know I am using youtube. so instead of using the youtube unlimited package. It starts charging from that 20GB data. That is why I wan't to ignore only youtube.com from vpn usage.
    – zakadmin
    Commented Jun 17, 2023 at 14:12


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