Q1: Is there any solution to avoid such huge size change?

As also discussed in this Linux forum, when I use okular to add explicit text annomations, the file size will become huge, this seems to be related with fonts, e.g. explicit notes with Chinese words cause the file size increase 20M while English words 888K per notes.

Q2: How to restore the size after removing annomations

Another problem is removing the notes doesn't restore the file size back, any solutions or reasons?


To explaine the problem in detail, for example, let me use this pdf file (original file size: 7.3M or 7384K) to test the behavior of the annomications.

  1. every highlight/underline/squiggle/strike out/freehand increases 4K
  • after highlight/underline/squiggle/strike out the title: 7.3M (7388K)
  • revoke the highlight/underline/squiggle/strike out: 7.3M (7388K), didn't release the size!
  1. TypeWriter/Inline Note with one English word increases 888K
  • after typewriter/inline note with a word 'Hallelujah': 8.1M (8272)
  • revoke the typewriter/inline content: 8.1M (8272K), didn't release the size!
  1. TypeWriter/Inline Note with one Chinese phrase increases 20.7M
  • after typewriter/inline note with a word '哈利路亞': 28M
  • revoke the typewriter/inline content: 28M, didn't release the size!
  • also tested with other pdf files written in Chinese, still increased 20M
  1. popup note with few English words increases 4K, revoke doesn't release size.
  2. popup note with one Chinese phrase increases 4k, revoke doesn't release size, but huge improvement than explicit notes.


  • My OS is WSL2: Ubuntu 23.04
  • Okular 22.12.3
  • I installed the latest poppler-23.06.0 and poppler-data-0.4.12 from Github, and I checked the version of one of poppler-untils, i.e. pdfimages, means it's already 23.06.0

1 Answer 1


Check out the version of poppler package.
It was resolved for me after updating from 23.05.0-1 to 23.06.0-1.


  • Thank you very much! Firstly I don't know how to check my poppler version, however I managed to dowload the latest version and followed the installation instructions on Github. Secondly, I still don't see my problem solved. Confused. Commented Jun 16, 2023 at 8:51

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