doc1.docx contains sections of 'master' text. I want to insert these individually, as sections, into doc2.docx. Those sections should:

  1. update in doc2 when the underlying text updates in doc1; this need not be automatic, but could be in response to a 'pull' request.
  2. be read-only, so not be editable within doc2.
    Finally, I want to be able to add new text in doc2, around the inserted sections.

How do I do this?


1 Answer 1


You will have to split the master file into smaller documents, since Word only supports the insert of live text of an entire document, meaning not of a section of the document.

To create a live link :

  • Place the cursor where the text is to be inserted
  • In the Insert pane, Text group, click Object
  • In the dialog, position to the tab "Create from File"
  • Browse to your file
  • Check "Link to File"
  • Click OK.

From the article : enter image description here

This will create a read-only object in the document that contains the text of the linked document. The text should update automatically when the other document changes, but you may force it by right-click and selecting "Update Link".

  • I believe this will allow editing of the linked text, will it not? Of course updating the link would erase any edits. Commented May 16, 2023 at 13:55
  • The linked document can be updated, but not the document that is linking to it.
    – harrymc
    Commented May 16, 2023 at 15:43

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