I'm trying to understand the difference between how things are executed when running under a NT_AUTHORITY LOCAL SERVICE account that run on startup, vs by the user. I have an executable that spawns a child process running rundll32.exe <SOME DLL NAME HERE>. When I run the exe as a user, or from cli, the DLL is loaded by rundll32.exe and everything works just fine (I'm having it just open calc.exe as an experiment). However, when I restart my machine and the exe is started up by a service, I see in Process Explorer that rundll32.exe is running, with all of the same arguments that I would expect it to spawn, but the results aren't the same, there's no calc.exe process that gets created as a result of the dll being run. What are some things that I need to understand in order to figure out how this is working? And what are some other ways that I can experiment with loading an exe/dll from a service that executes a child process in the same way that a user or cli would?


Likewise, I have another exe that I've created that loads a DLL directly (not spawning rundll32.exe and loading it like the above example), and when I click it as a user to run it, the exe loads the DLL and spawns calc.exe. But when the same exe is run from a service, no calc.exe is spawned.

  • 1
    I have to assume that the issue is that you are attempting to spawn a process that displays a user interface, as a user that is not interactively logged in and thus has no desktop upon which the window might display. that is not an uncommon issue with application automation tasks. Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 6:10
  • Complement to Frank Thomas answer: instead of launching calc.exe, write a console mode program with no UI and try to run that one from the service. I bet it will work.
    – fpiette
    Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 6:27
  • Original poster here (not sure why it posted as a guest, I thought I was logged in!) Do error dialogs get surpressed as well since they're also visual? I even tried removing the DLL from the directory to see if I could get the rundll32 process that is spawned to throw an error (it throws an error when running from cli, but not from service). Am I able to write a console mode program that gets loaded by rundll32 as a dll? I didn't know that, but I'll look into it and report back. Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 6:45
  • 1
    Welcome to Super User! It looks like you have created a second account, which will also interfere with your ability to comment within your thread and to accept an answer. See How can one link/merge/combine/associate two accounts/users? and/or I accidentally created two accounts; how do I merge them? for guidance on how to merge your accounts.
    – DavidPostill
    Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 7:33
  • Update for @fpiette and Frank Thomas - tried creating a console mode program that just writes to a file, but I can't seem to load it through rundll32. So I created a bare-bones dll file that only exports one method which writes out to a file, and it works when I run it via CLI myself, but when I restart the service that runs it, the file is never written to. I can see in process explorer that the command is being run the same way I'm running it in cli, but the file still isn't being written to. Commented Apr 15, 2023 at 7:43


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