I am new to the MIDI protocol and I wonder why my Allen & Heath Xone K2 controller is detected and working (at least with some non-intuitive mapping) in Mixxx, while QLCPlus detects the device, but I cannot find a working configuration. Even the Channel Wizard remains blank even though the output of touched sliders is visible with aseqdump -p <port from aseqdump -l>

Is there something I have overlooked? (Arch Linux 6.2.9-arch1-1)

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

  • 1
    To use the automatic mapping "You must have an input plugin assigned to the current universe for this feature to work." - do you? Ref Commented Apr 7, 2023 at 0:25
  • Sure, in the Inputs/Outputs tab it says XONE K2 MIDI 1 is assigned to my universe (1). Also, interestingly, the mapping assistant works fine with an AKAI Fire controller. The output in the terminal looks similar and it just works in QLC+, which proves me right configuration-wise. On the other hand, AKAI MPX8 does not work just like the XONE K2.
    – F1iX
    Commented Apr 26, 2023 at 21:10

1 Answer 1


I really do not know what caused the issue, but now, a few updates later, everything works as expected...

  1. I still have my XONE K2 detected and enabled in the mapping tab enter image description here
  2. Then, in the Profile tab, I created a new profile and added all the buttons/sliders/knobs/encoders using the channel wizard (note that you have to manually change the type of some) enter image description here
  3. By default, the profile is getting saved at ~/.qlcplus/inputprofiles/, so you can create a backup or simply paste my XONE:K2 QLC+ mapping from Github there (I did not take the time to rename the knobs though)
  4. Also works quite nicely with the Mixxx Learning Wizard now (see mapping on Github)

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