I just recently installed ubunutu version 22.04. I had Windows 10 pre-installed on my laptop. Now, whenever I boot into my computer, my screen gets stuck on GNU Grub menu option. Everything freezes their, the keyboard stops responding.

But, if I power-up and press F9 a change boot order menu open and if I select from there it works fine then. Both windows and ubuntu are supporting uefi bios.

Any help would be seriously appreciated, Thanks in Advance.

1 Answer 1


One method of fixing Grub is to boot into Linux, ensure that the Windows partition is mounted, then run the following command :

    sudo os-prober

If both your installations were found, run:

    sudo update-grub

If this didn't help, you could try Rescatux & Super Grub2 Disk. One or the other utility might be able to correct your Grub setup.

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