Today, 2023-04-01, I searched using Google via these search terms:

site:geekhack.org "fav mouse"

And it returned a search result as I expected it to:

Google search result

I tried that using DuckDuckGo search but got this:

DuckDuckGo search result

Is my syntax incorrect? How can I ensure that DuckDuckGo produces same or similar results as Google?

I speculate that Google has "scraped" that website but DuckDuckGo has not. So if that is the case, then the subquestion is: What syntax do I use to tell DuckDuckGo to start "scraping" that website so that at some point in the future it will return the results?

  • 1
    @Rubén What part of this question "needs details or clarity"? (Asking so OP can improve their question.) Seems clear to me. Commented Apr 2, 2023 at 4:16
  • @galacticninja It might need clarity, but it is not obvious how my adding clarity now is going to "undo" the act of closing this. From what I can tell, StackExchange sites do not provide an undo-the-close button: i.sstatic.net/TMLgJ.png which seems to me to be a rather conspicuously absent feature.
    – bgoodr
    Commented Apr 3, 2023 at 15:41


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