I recently installed the iCloud password sync extension for Chrome on Windows. I do web development and when I run my localhost environment it auto-focuses the first input it finds. This messes me up because I'm working with form validation and this registers as a user input event.

Is there a way to disable this (or any) extension for localhost URL's? Enabling/disabling the entire extension is a pain since it requires 2FA to re-enable every time.

it also injects some HTML into my project, and throws some errors in my console, which is super unhelpful during development.

iCloud passwords extension throws errors and injects HTML into localhost

1 Answer 1


I've seen suggestions to create multiple profiles and switch between them, which would work but would be aggravating because that's a lot of setup and I typically switch between personal and work things throughout the day.

I've found no easy solution to this, but I found something that works for now. I simply open my localhost development stuff in an Incognito window. This by default doesn't load any extensions, but I can choose which ones to allow if I need any for development. I'd rather just keep a single window with all my tabs in it, but having two windows (one incognito, one regular) isn't so bad.

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