I recently bought a keyboard that has one of its keys assigned to left windows + C and I'm trying to remap it.

sharpkeys is only recognising it as being mapped to left windows. Power toys is picking up that its mapped to multiple keys but wont remap it (it remapped me typing windows + C normally but typing the key itself doesn't seem to work).

Anany ideas on how I could remap it?

2 Answers 2


Keycodes mappings by sharpkeys or Power toys are found in the registry under the key HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard Layout.

Use regedit and navigate to this key. If any mapping was done, you would have there a value named "Scancode Map".

You may export the key for backup, then delete the Scancode item and reboot. This will undo any mapping and return Windows to the default keyboard layout.

If no Scancode item was found in the registry, then some other method was used. The likely reason is then that the wrong keyboard layout was used for Windows. You'll need in this case to find the right keyboard layout, or use applications such sharpkeys or Power toys or AutoHotKey to correct it yourself.


My guess is that the keyboard sends the actual Left Windows + C key combination.

This could be remapped to something else with AutoHotkey:

#c::send, MyText

But then also manually pressing Left Windows + C would be remapped accordingly.

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