I'm running a server on google cloud headless Debian 11 (Bullseye). I've got a debian-bullseye:slim container running steamcmd. I've got the ArmA 3 dedicated server (233780) going. Normally to download a mod all I had to do was give it the line

./steamcmd.sh +login <uname> <passwd> +workshop_download_item 107410 2867537125 +quit

Now it fails here

WARNING: setlocale('en_US.UTF-8') failed, using locale: 'C'. International characters may not work.
Redirecting stderr to '/root/Steam/logs/stderr.txt'
[  0%] Checking for available updates...
[----] Verifying installation...
Steam Console Client (c) Valve Corporation - version 1678917456
-- type 'quit' to exit --
Loading Steam API...OK
Logging in user 'overl0rd484' to Steam Public...OK
Waiting for client config...OK
Waiting for user info...OK
Downloading item 286753715 ...ERROR! Timeout downloading item 286753715CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work complete queue not empty, 2 items discarded.
CWorkThreadPool::~CWorkThreadPool: work processing queue not empty: 397 items discarded.
src/clientdll/contentupdatecontext.cpp (743) : m_uIOCurrentCacheSize == 0
src/clientdll/contentupdatecontext.cpp (743) : m_uIOCurrentCacheSize == 0
src/common/completionportmanager_posix.cpp (358) : Assertion Failed: Async I/O on closed handle 83

I tried downloading the ArmA 3 client for S&G, and it worked until the HDD ran out of space. I also tried downloading the mod in question (Antistasi The Mod) on a VM on my personal machine and it worked fine.

Here's the dump of that logfile

Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steam)/version(1678917456)/tid(1013)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1014)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1015)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1016)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1017)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1018)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1019)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1020)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1021)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1022)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1023)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1024)
CAppInfoCacheReadFromDiskThread took 962 milliseconds to initialize
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1025)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1026)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1027)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1028)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1029)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1030)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1031)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1032)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1033)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1034)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1035)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1036)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1037)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1038)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1039)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1040)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1041)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1042)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1043)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1044)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1045)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1046)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1047)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1048)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1049)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1050)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1051)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1052)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1053)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1054)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1055)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1056)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1057)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1058)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1059)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1060)
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1061)
src/clientdll/contentupdatecontext.cpp (743) : m_uIOCurrentCacheSize == 0
Installing breakpad exception handler for appid(steamcmd)/version(1678917456)/tid(1017)
src/clientdll/contentupdatecontext.cpp (743) : m_uIOCurrentCacheSize == 0
assert_20230317002507_52.dmp[1064]: Uploading dump (out-of-process)
assert_20230317002507_52.dmp[1064]: Finished uploading minidump (out-of-process): success = no
assert_20230317002507_52.dmp[1064]: error: libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
assert_20230317002507_52.dmp[1064]: file ''/tmp/dumps/assert_20230317002507_52.dmp'', upload no: ''libcurl.so: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory''
src/common/completionportmanager_posix.cpp (358) : Assertion Failed: Async I/O on closed handle 83

Any ideas?

1 Answer 1


I never did figure out what was going on. Ended up rebuilding the server. You win some, you lose a lot.

  • 1
    As it’s currently written, your answer is unclear. Please edit to add additional details that will help others understand how this addresses the question asked. You can find more information on how to write good answers in the help center.
    – Community Bot
    Commented Mar 29, 2023 at 18:13
  • It's perfectly clear. No one answered, and I couldn't figure it out. Now that I've rebuilt the server the question is moot. I'd specifically close the question if I knew how.
    Commented Mar 29, 2023 at 21:41

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