I work with my monitor in a portrait/vertical orientation. One site I need to use has a button on the top-right which is invisible/unreachable, and there is no scroll bar. When I enter windowed mode, I can position the window partially off of the left hand side of the screen; but when I try to extend the width of the window on its right-hand edge, I find that I cannot make the window wider. This is the case on both Chrome and Firefox, and it seems to be this way for every site I try. I'm left thinking that it could be to do with the monitor orientation, but I have no idea. Is there any way to widen my browser window? I am using Windows 10.

1 Answer 1


This seems to be a Windows limitation based on the number of monitors and orientation. I have two monitors and I am able to widen Firefox past the size of my monitor. Once I disconnect my second monitor, I am no longer able to do so.

Firefox Responsive Design Mode

One workaround is to use Firefox's Responsive Design Mode. This is usually used to test responsiveness in different screen sizes.

To enable this mode, use the shortcut Ctrl + Shift + M or you can enable it in DevTools.


Then you can set the width to whatever value you want and you can scroll freely.

Responsive Design Mode

Chrome Device Mode

The same exists in Chrome, known as Device Mode.

I think the only difference is that Chrome requires DevTools to be open to use this mode, so the shortcut to enable this would be F12, then separately Ctrl + Shift + M.

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