Sometimes I like to put a browser window on half the screen instead of fullscreen. But then the address bar gets tiny which is very annoying when I want to edit the url. tiny I think it used to overflow the addon buttons into a >> menu the way it does bookmarks, or maybe that's wishful thinking. Is there a way to get it to overflow addons into a menu instead of hiding the URL?

Also, why does it add so much space before the >>, that's ridiculous (and no I did not manually add a spacer there). And there are now three of those site icons for per-domain settings/security/cookies, can't they be collapsed into one? and both the translations addon and and multi-account containers also pollute the url bar</rant>

EDIT: With compact mode on: compact

1 Answer 1


Do this (as long as it still works) :

  • Go to about:config in the address bar
  • If a warning appears, click "Accept the Risk" and Continue
  • Type browser.compactmode.show
  • Double-click the entry to set it to true
  • Restart Firefox
  • Click Settings > More tools > Customize toolbar…
  • At the bottom click "Density"
  • Choose "Compact (not supported)"
  • You may also hover over user-interface elements and close them by clicking the X or move them around
  • Click "Done" when finished
  • You may return to the previous state by selecting Density as Normal.

Reference : Compact mode workaround in Firefox.

  • Thanks, that gives me 8 more letters. Guess it's an improvement ¯\(°_o)/¯
    – unhammer
    Commented Feb 20, 2023 at 20:28

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