I'm installing Windows 11 on VMware Workstation.

The following link says:

In Command Prompt, type the OOBE\BYPASSNRO command to bypass network requirements on Windows 11 and press Enter.


I have tried to press Shift + F10 by following the guide, but every time the "Microsoft Teams" application will be started instead.

It seems the Shift + F10 is already used by Microsoft Teams, the following link says:

Open the context menu. Shift+F10


How to pass Shift + F10 into VMware workstation for installing Windows 11 offline?

  • 1
    @spikey_richie, Thank you so much. I tried the Shift + Fn + F10, it works now. Please add your comment as answer then I can accept the answer.
    – stackbiz
    Commented Feb 17, 2023 at 8:31

2 Answers 2


You can overcome this limitation by also passing in Fn, so in your case you'd press Shift+Fn+F10.


I tried all possible all possible combination of Shift+Fn+F10, but nothing worked.

Then i clicked on that Accessibility icon and enabled on-screen keyboard and then selected Shift+Fn+F10 again and it opened the cmd prompt this time, but it does not come into focus, to do that you can then use option+tab on your physical keyboard.

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