I recently updated my MobaXTerm version to v22.2 (build 5008); I had a much older version before, maybe even 12.x.

After the update, my session tree seems to be duplicated: I see my sessions once as "Custom Sessions", then again as "User Sessions". I can edit, add or delete User Sessions - but I can't seem to do that for Custom Sessions with the right-click menus or the menu bar.

How can I get rid of the Custom Sessions? Individually or entirely?

What I've tried:

  • Running MobaXTerm as administrator - still no UI for deleting these sessions
  • Looking at my user's MobaXTerm.ini - nothing relevant there
  • Looking in the MobaXTerm program files folder - I don't see an editable configuration file.

1 Answer 1


The custom sessions are listed in a file named Custom.bookmarks.ini - but it's not immediately located in the Program Files folder. It's compressed as part of a file named Custom.mxtpro. That file is actually a ZIP file. To remove it:

  1. Close MobaXTerm
  2. Make a copy of Custom.mxtpro in case you want to later restore the custom sessions
  3. Start a ZIP-archive-manipulator application, e.g. 7-Zip - as Administrator
  4. Open Custom.mxtpro in your application as a ZIP file
  5. Delete, within the ZIP, the Custom.bookmarks.ini file
  6. Save the changes to Custom.mxtpro

When you next start MobaXTerm, the custom sessions will be gone; only user sessions will remain.

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