In Chrome, when using a profile, there is an avatar menu button on the top-right corner. The first time the browser starts after profile is created, the profile name is displayed with the avatar, but after some seconds, it disappears, we can only see it after clicking the button.

[avatar+profile-name] (After some seconds, profile-name disappears) ↓

I want it to show always, how can I do that?

(Sorry, I can't post images yet)


1 Answer 1


This function is held within the chrome theme it self so no there is no simple way to do this without writing your own theme.


I took a second look at this and I'm updating this with a more accurate/useful answer. There is no key-pair associated with name display within the Chrome preferences file re-writing the chrome theme might not actually work. A simpler/more effective way to achieve this would be to create a Tampermonkey userscript to dynamically inject CSS into the browser or create a Chrome Extension to inject the CSS more permanently. The container element selector for the profile image is #profile-avatar.

  • Hello, this is not sufficient enough info for a good answer. You should state e.g. where it is in the theme.
    – Destroy666
    Commented Jul 6, 2023 at 10:45
  • Apologies, you are absolutely correct and unfortunately the answer while technically true isn't very straightforward. There is no key-pair associated with name display within the Chrome preferences file. A truly appropriate way to achieve this would be to create a Tampermonkey userscript to dynamically inject CSS into the browser or create a Chrome Extension to inject the CSS more permanently. The container element selector for the profile image is #profile-avatar. Commented Jun 3 at 2:43

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