I have enabled backup of my Windows Documents folder to OneDrive using this window:

backup onedrive

But the name of Documents folder on my system is in different language and it is not Documents but Dokumenty. As a result I have a Documents folder that contains the data and a second empty Dokumenty folder on my PC.

Documents folders

Is there a fix that allows me to keep the remote OneDrive folder name Documents - i.e. not changing this folder online - but to force to sync with proper folder on my PC in my language?

1 Answer 1


It is possible just to edit the location of Documents like this, that's what the dialog does:

Docs properties

I have found out that I can enable the same functionality as the dialog window just by editing registry values:

\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\User Shell Folders

Changing values for {F42EE2D3-909F-4907-8871-4C22FC0BF756} (Local Documents) and Personal to the local folder of OneDrive synced Documents, e.g.

C:\Users\myself\OneDrive - MyCompany\Documents

But still the visible name of the folder remained Documents but it should have been in my language Dokumenty...

Another thing I had to do was to copy desktop.ini file from C:\users\myself\documents to C:\Users\myself\OneDrive - MyCompany\Documents. It fixed the visible folder name and icon in explorer. Of course restarting explorer.exe or logoff/logon was necessary.

The content of Desktop.ini was:


But I could have used instead my desired name directly:


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