Hi I just refreshed my W10 with a clean install and I made some changes from my last windows install

On my last pc I had my Users in C:\Users and I changed my Picture, Downloads and all the user's folders inside E:\Gabriel to save space on my C drive

Then I changed my User folders from C:\Users to E:\Users\ so when I used my email to create a User on my fresh Windows 10 it created the User Grez_ and I would like to change it to Gabriel

I used this tuto to change my User folder location so I dont have to lose my apps settings or other thing when I decide to refresh my windows installation.

Is there a way to rename the E:/User/Grez_ to E:/User/Gabriel

I tried this tuto but when I do Rename Grez_ Gabriel I get an Access Denied and if I just create a folder E:/User/Gabriel and then change the ProfileImagePath in regedit then reboot the PC cant find my profile and logs me with a temp profile

I also tried to change the Windows Username with this but when I try to open, save, delete files inside the E:\Users\Grez_\any_folder I get no mapping between account names and security ids was done error

  • It is just plain easier and simpler to use the profile name Windows uses. It is possible to change but not worth the effort
    – anon
    Commented Nov 27, 2022 at 17:26
  • what if I want to do the effort ?
    – Grez
    Commented Nov 27, 2022 at 17:38
  • I tried changing the name and it did not work for me and so I left it
    – anon
    Commented Nov 27, 2022 at 18:04


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