Windows 10 or XP

I need to find all jpg files in an external hard drive: they are in different directories.

That output would be added to an ascii file alljpg.txt

Name date size directory 
dsc002245.jpg  11/12/2022  xxbytes  e:/park/something/

I have several cameras that apply the same prefix and lots of files with the same names. I want to create a master list of all jpgs on all hard drives to find them.

Depending what I have plugged in the computer will give drives a different letter.

I have renamed each drive so when that particular drive is being gleaned.


dsc002245.jpg  11/12/2022  xxbytes  e:/park/something/

will become this:

dsc002245.jpg  11/12/2022  xxbytes  e:/park/something/ DR04

with 04 being the name I gave to that drive.

Is there a command line order that will do this?

Name date size directory 
dsc002245.jpg  11/12/2022  xxbytes  e:/park/something/  

the complete list of jpgs with date size directory, sent to a text file.

  • I tried to format the question sensibly; if I changed the intended meaning please edit corrections in. Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 18:28
  • 1
    Your next task will be to find where your camera's naming convention is stored & change it to not re-use numbers. Then all you need to do is wait until it almost reaches 9,999 & change the letters to DSD, then round you go again for another 10k… DSE & onward...
    – Tetsujin
    Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 18:33
  • 1
    What have you tried so far? Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 18:37
  • I started with win 10 to find all jpg files search .. *.jpg size:medium On the first one I clicked ctrl hold shift and right click copy as path ... lets me copy the whole list and paste it into a text file It will generate strings like this "C:\MyStuff\Buttons\!-ourturf2.jpg" but not the info Now I knew the names of all the folders the jpgs were found in using gwbasic I created a batch file which changed to each directory dir
    – buddy
    Commented Nov 18, 2022 at 20:25

1 Answer 1


To create a file with filenames; Try this brute force thing:

C:\> dir /s /b | find /i ".jpg > allJPG.txt

Now, that is what MS-DOS can handle, to get date and size of the files you need some kind of utility do extract that for you.

If you cannot find such a thingie compiled for DOS, then try installing e.g. cygwin or similar, then learn to use Linux find, which is more capable.

Windows 10 on the other hand has more options...
leaving that for others...

will rename your files, based on EXIF data. e.g. pick out "Date taken", reformat that text and use it in a rename.

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