I have the issue only with one machine: I have an 8550u laptop, a 5800x desktop, then a new 12700H laptop.

The issue is only with the 12700H laptop: from this laptop, I can't ping the wifi router at address, and can't ping the 8550u laptop and 5800x desktop which are on the same wifi network.

From the 8550u laptop and 5800x desktop, I also can't ping the 12700H laptop, but these 2 can ping each other, plus the wifi router.

So not sure why the 12700H is so special, this is a new laptop, I didn't do any specific firewall settings on it.

  • Make sure Wireless is Private and not Public. I connect my Windows 11 machines and so have Network Discovery ON. I suggest you try both these things. I did not have to adjust firewall.
    – anon
    Commented Nov 17, 2022 at 13:00
  • I just did a test, found now I can ping the new laptop from the desktop machine, and can talk to the VMs running on the laptop, the VMs on the new laptop can also talk to VMs on the desktop, but still can't ping wifi gateway.
    – wzis
    Commented Nov 19, 2022 at 5:47
  • but still can't ping wifi gateway ... What does this mean? It sounds like your issues is solved.
    – anon
    Commented Nov 19, 2022 at 11:44

1 Answer 1


If the laptop is running Windows, then by default ping is disabled

If you have a firewall enabled in Windows, ping requests are blocked by default.

Configure the Windows firewall to allow pings link

When Windows Firewall is enabled with default settings, you can’t use the ping command from another device to see if your PC is alive.

How to Allow Pings

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