On a small FLAC folder of 1593 files, ffprobe takes over 12 times longer to run than metaflac. How to speed up the single-threaded performance of ffprobe?

I tried to tell ffprobe to do the same and print only the VORBIS_COMMENT or TAG field by running ffprobe -show_entries format_tags .., but this unfortunately doesn't improve the performance.

This script searches for possible URLs:


$ time find . -type f -iname "*.flac" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' FILENAME; do
    INFOS=$(ffprobe -hide_banner "$FILENAME" 2>&1)
    URL=$("$INFOS"|& grep -i 'http\|www')
    if [ "$URL" != "" ]; then
        echo -e "$FILENAME\t$URL"
done | column -t -s $'\t'


(only this line is different:)

    INFOS=$(metaflac --list --block-type=VORBIS_COMMENT "$FILENAME" 2>&1)


The CPU is a Ryzen 5600X and the files are located on an external 850 EVO 1TB SSD.

Single-threaded benchmarks:

$ time find ..
metaflac real 0m2,579s
mediainfo real 0m14,222s
ffprobe real 0m32,379s
exiftool real 1m21,881s

Edit To speed things up I modified my code to run in parallel:

getURLs() {
    URL=$(mediainfo "$FILENAME" 2>&1 | grep -i 'http\|www')
    if [ "$URL" != "" ]; then
        echo -e "$FILENAME\t$URL"

find . -type f -iname "*.flac" -print0 | while read -d $'\0' FILENAME; do
    getURLs "$FILENAME" &
done | column -t -s $'\t'


This parallelized script version utilizes my 5600X CPU fully and the performance seems to be CPU-bound:

Multi-threaded benchmarks:

$ time find ..
metaflac real 0m0,695s
mediainfo real 0m2,109s
ffprobe real 0m4,844s

I'm asking for a single-threaded speed improvement of ffprobe, so I won't mark this as a solution, though it's a nice speed improvement indeed.


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