I need to monitor an old printer and in order to do so, I open the print queue via "control printers" panel and select the printer but unfortunately, this window just closes itself after a few minutes. How can I prevent this so that it stays open?

I'm on Windows 10 21H1.

  • When I open the dialog via Devices and Printers, right-click printer, See what's printing, then the dialog stays up.
    – harrymc
    Commented Oct 25, 2022 at 9:51
  • no, the window just disapperars for me after a while without any prints coming through. As I said, I need to monitor just that. It has to stay open in idle on a second screen forever until a print shows up and that I will then notice.
    – HelpIIII
    Commented Nov 2, 2022 at 12:45

1 Answer 1


Not an answer, but a workaround to access the queue more readily, when the queue CPL closes:

  • Press Windows and enter "devices and pri".
  • Select Devices and Printers.
  • Right-click the printer to monitor.
  • Select Create shortcut and have it made on the Desktop.
  • When you need to monitor the queue, or if the dialog has closed,
    • Double-click the shortcut.
    • If more detail is needed, click on n document(s) in queue.
  • Thanks. Instantly re-opening it is at least better than hoping for a real solution with windows...
    – HelpIIII
    Commented Nov 2, 2022 at 12:46

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