I was following this tutorial video https://youtu.be/88isPOPkscE So basically what I was trying to do was to move users folder to another dive. As the video was telling I went to regedit and did want it said upto changing the location of profile directory and public to the dive I want I think I wrote it wrong because after writing the new location and creating a account when I tried to login i failed it said that user profile service failed and now I can't log in to change the location to the correct format and also all my other account are now gone

  • First, that's a really old video. The details even say there's a new version that's not nearly so old. Second, don't move your users folder. You can move your documents and other things easily and without damaging your system, but moving your entire user folder will break things, as you've experienced now. You can create new users, and the copy back the user data you moved over to the new profile folders, to recover from this. Commented Oct 11, 2022 at 4:47
  • How I can I create a new user if I can't log in every time when I try to log in it says user profile service failed I think that because I changed the location of profile directory and public
    – Shaun IR
    Commented Oct 11, 2022 at 5:12
  • Have you tried a repair install? Commented Oct 12, 2022 at 3:48


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