I stumbled on this somewhat obscure developer that goes by the name NTDEV & his stripped down Windows 10: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=odXqeI2r5tI. Looks like his link for tiny10 is down & only live10 remains. But, no worries, as live10 is what I'm after. As, I want a full-blown Window Live CD for completely switching OSes for testing third party software.

So I downloaded & unpacked the live10 2GB.iso: enter image description here

Looks like live10.vhd wraps the filesystem underneath (I don't know that much about it). So, I had to take all the files & folders, & adding a boot binary, compiled it altogether into a bootable ISO. Extracting the files & folders & then adding it to a compilation is straight forward. The problem was where was the binary to be added to make the ISO bootable. In typical Windows installation media it's \boot\etfsboot.com. So I looked into the \boot folder: enter image description here

The closest suspect is the single file in folder en-US named bootmgr.exe.mui, which by the name suggests, might be the first stage bootloader. Was I correct about this? This might confirm it (forgive my tablet's resolution): enter image description here enter image description here

The fact that it got up to winload.exe means the proper binary was loaded on the first stage.

And... So, that's the farthest I got with the guy's release. Have I yet done anything wrong that caused failure to boot? There's the menu.lst inside the original live10 2GB.iso that I completely ignored:

enter image description here

The commands resemble linux command, but as far as I know, are not.

How do I get further & boot this?

  • What's wrong with the original ISO you've downloaded? .mui files are translation packs.
    – gronostaj
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 8:36
  • the windows 10 and 11 bootloaders will boot VHDs. I would guess he's modified the iso to boot a VHD instead of a WIM?
    – Journeyman Geek
    Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 10:26
  • What are you saying that I should take a Windows installation media & replace the installl.wim with live10.vhd? Commented Oct 2, 2022 at 16:18
  • Voting to leave open (barely), but it could definitely use some improvement on the wording. @TempusNomen For starters, I would suggest a bit of a "short summary" of the question at the top, then go into the details. Commented Oct 13, 2022 at 17:11
  • Question: Why don't you just virtualise with oraclebox or similar?
    – cybernard
    Commented Nov 6, 2023 at 18:36

1 Answer 1


You could transform the Windows 10 ISO to Live Windows (or Windows To Go) using the program WinToUSB.

Download it from here. Its description is found in What is Windows To Go?.

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