I'm a huge Cntl+F fan and use it anywhere its offered. Chat applications are a must. Some are really good, most are mediocre, and some are just... Well you know.

WhatsApp is decent but I can't figure it out. It works fine (most of the time) if you search for a full word. But as soon as you get "fancy" with it, it just doesn't.


  • Search for "Smith"
  • Finds: Smith

  • Search for "888-212"
  • Finds: 888-212-4878

  • Search for "4878"
  • Finds: 0 Results (?????)

I tried all the usual suspects ("", *, %) but no joy.
Has anyone else played with this meta demon and had any luck getting it to behave like a proper full text search?

I did find this question over at Stack Overflow, but I think its referring to searching while in the Erlang programming language.


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