The following is listed on various sites to switch to Best Performance mode (under This Computer Properties > Advanced system settings > Performance). On running this nothing happens. I can see that the options are altered in the Performance dialogue, but I've tried restarting Explorer (and also the "Themes" service as that was listed as being required).

What will I need to do to get the below settings to also be activated on the system?

# Adjust for Best Performance setting (in Performance > Visual Effects)
# Note that this requires that the "Themes" service is restarted
# https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/windowsserver/en-US/73d72328-38ed-4abe-a65d-83aaad0f9047/adjust-for-best-performance?forum=winserverpowershell

$out = @'
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

; ###
; Visual Effects
; ###


; Do not Animate windows when minimizing and maximizing
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop\WindowMetrics]

; Disable Animations in Taskbar and Start Menu

; Disable desktop composition

; Enable transparent glass

; Disable Taskbar Thumbnail Previews

; Disable Explorer Thumbnails (All Users)

; Disable translucent selection rectangle

; Dont show window contents while dragging
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

; Dont smooth Edges of Screen Fonts
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

; Use drop shadows for icon labels on the desktop

; Disable visual styles on windows and buttons

; Disable following:
; * Animate controls and elements inside windows
; * Smooth-scroll list boxes
; * Slide open combo boxes
; * Fade or slide menus into view
; * Show shadows under mouse pointer
; * Fade or slide ToolTips into view
; * Fade out menu items after clicking
; * Show shadows under windows
; * Use Visual styles on windows and buttons
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Control Panel\Desktop]

$out | Out-File -FilePath "$Env:TEMP\AdjustForBestPerformanceVisual.reg" -Force -Encoding oem
Invoke-Command { reg import "$Env:TEMP\AdjustForBestPerformanceVisual.reg" *>&1 | Out-Null }
# Must restart the Themes service
Restart-Service Themes -Force
  • 1
    The registry keys are written, but the Performance settings are not applied to the GUI as per post. I can even go into the Performance dialogue and see that things are altered, but nothing is activated. To activate, "Apply" is greyed out, so I need to check one or more boxes in there, then press "Apply" again, and only then are the settings activated. For registry changes for Explorer, I automate an Explorer restart to apply a change, but for this restarting Explorer (or Themes) does not work.
    – YorSubs
    Commented Sep 28, 2022 at 10:54


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