I have set up the UWF on C: and excluded several folders that should be writable for my setup to work. Additionally I have an Internet Explorer cookie that is saved locally. According to Internet Options-> Browsing History -> Settings -> View Files ending up at C:\Users<Name>\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache where there are cooke: files. But they only contain: "Cookies are no longer stored in files. Please use Internet*Cookie * APIs to access cookies."

When i exclude the whole INetCache folder from UWF my windows startup pops up a few errors that some .exe coulnt be started the right way. And excluding a single file produces: "Error: Could not exclude "" by Unified Write Filter (0x80004005)." Most likely because of the "/" at the end.

But what is the best way to exclude that one cookie for Internet Explorer from the UWF and where is it located if not in the path specified above? Also while searching for the location it seems various people haven't found the location either: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/ie/forum/all/ie11-normal-cookies-are-gone-since-creators-fall/7f2b38a0-aeaf-4c4b-a53f-dd438fdc20cd?page=1

1 Answer 1


Try using:

uwfmgr file add-exclusion C:\Users\User\Desktop

command with your pfad, if you haven't.

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