I am trying to run SSMS as a different user and it is not letting me run as a different user. It is asking for email address instead. How to get around this issue? Thanks in advance. problem

I have tried Holding on to shift and opening more options and then "run as different user"/

  • Try it like so RUNAS /user:<domain>\<username> /netonly "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\SSMS.exe" Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 12:05
  • Click “More Choices”
    – Ramhound
    Commented Sep 9, 2022 at 12:24

1 Answer 1


One option you have is to use a modified shortcut. Clone the existing shortcut, and edit the Target to be something like

C:\Windows\System32\runas.exe /storecred /user:yourusername "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 18\Common7\IDE\Ssms.exe"

When run, you'll be presented with a command prompt, into which you can type your password. The password will not be shown and will access the use of backspace, if you type it incorrectly.

Note: if the box doesn't prompt you for your password, your username isn't stored in the local credential store on the machine.

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