Say I have a string in the field A1 which is: "table 1". On another sheet is a table named "table_1". Now I wanted to subsitute the space in "table 1" for a underscore. I can do that with the Substitute function but I am not able to reference the table with the output of the SUBSTITUTE function: =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","__") This will only return the string but Excel does not interpret this as the table name. Putting this through INDIRECT or chaining a TEXT function did not work either: =INDIRECT(SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","_"))

I want to do this in order to display some matrices(formatted as tables) from a separate sheet in my main sheet.


  • 1
    Works fine for me. Have you checked the output of the Substitute? There may be a space before or after the string. Also, your first example has two underscores ("__") and not one ("_") Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 17:33
  • goddamnit, I had a typo in the table name. This has cost me way too much time... Thanks for verification!
    – sim
    Commented Aug 24, 2022 at 17:46

1 Answer 1


Change the formula =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","__") to =SUBSTITUTE(A1," ","_")

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