As per title, can't seem to find the KB shortcut anywhere, and it's something I frequently do.

(Windows, Project 2007)

3 Answers 3


You need to select the entire task first, instead of just being in a single cell:

  • Select the entire row by using the [Shift]+[Space] shortcut.
  • Press the [Delete] key to delete the row

There is a useful cheat sheet available on shortcutworld.


Looking at keyxl.com

  • Select the task
  • press DELETE or CTRL+"minus key" on the keypad
  • 1
    Deletes data, not task.
    – Nik
    Commented Aug 11, 2010 at 8:52

Delete entire row: Ctrl+"keypad minus key"

(as stated already, but not delete)

Note adding a task is ctrl+"keypad plus key" or just Insert

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