I use an external 4TB SSD and try to format it with the smallest possible Cluster Size. In the Windows Format Dialog the smallest Cluster Size is 256KB:

enter image description here

When I format the disk with 256KB and also check the Cluster Size via Powershell:

PS C:\Users\Someone> (Get-Volume D).AllocationUnitSize

Files still use 1MB of space instead of 256KB:

enter image description here

Someone know how to change the Cluster Size to a smaller Value then 1MB ?

I also tried other Cluster Sizes:

format D: /FS:exFAT /V:Samsg_4TB /Q /A:4096  // Becomes 1MB per small File
format D: /FS:exFAT /V:Samsg_4TB /Q /A:64K  // Becomes 1MB per small File
format D: /FS:exFAT /V:Samsg_4TB /Q /A:128K  // Becomes 1MB per small File
format D: /FS:exFAT /V:Samsg_4TB /Q /A:256K  // Becomes 1MB per small File
format D: /FS:exFAT /V:Samsg_4TB /Q /A:512K  // Becomes 1MB per small File
format D: /FS:exFAT /V:Samsg_4TB /Q /A:2M  // Becomes 1MB per small File

When always checking the Cluster Size with (Get-Volume D).AllocationUnitSize it's always correct corresponding to the set Cluster Size with the format command but the resulting small Files Size is always 1MB.

When I duplicate those small some bytes Files it fast results in huge Memory wastes:

enter image description here

I wonder when I use another Computer and check the File properties they are correct:

enter image description here

1 Answer 1


I needed to restart the computer in order to see the correct File size:

enter image description here

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