I have Open VPN running on an AWS Linux 2 server with and running the client app on Android.

How do I set up split tunneling?

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Openvpn split tunnel

How do I set it up in OpenVPN Access Server?

In the Admin Web UI, you can start split tunneling with a simple click of a toggle button. Under Configuration > VPN Settings > Routing, switch “Should client Internet traffic be routed through the VPN?” to No. Once set to ‘no’, traffic destined to your private networks will traverse the VPN. Other traffic will bypass the VPN.

In addition to this setting, you also need to define the private subnets clients need access. You can do this under Configuration > VPN Settings > Routing by specifying the subnets in the input field with the label: “Specify the private subnets to which all clients should be given access (one per line)”


If no GUI the OpenVPN server can be configured to provide access to specific subnet(s).

In the OpenVPN server.config

 #Comment out next line to prevent routing everything
 #push "redirect-gateway def1 bypass-dhcp"

 #Route to specific Subnet
 push "route"

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