I am trying to block crazygames.com website using the hosts file but it doesn't work.

I added this line into the hosts file. crazygames.com

Pinging crazygames.com [] with 32 bytes of data: Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128 Reply from bytes=32 time<1ms TTL=128

Ping works but the website can still be opened in a browser (Chrome, Edge), even after running flushdns, clear browser cache/cookies, restart PC.

There's no proxy configured.

For some other websites, it works while it doesn't for a few games websites.

Why did this happen? Any other way to block a website?

1 Answer 1


I used the following in the hosts file : crazygames.com www.crazygames.com

This worked to block the website in Chrome, but not in Firefox.

For Firefox, see the post
Does Firefox ignore the hosts file? How to make Firefox honor the hosts file

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