Quick disclaimer that I have no experience with excel, so guidelines about what to study to make this simple program would be more than appreciated.

Column A has information about "points" (or placements, in this case), which every value with that row will share. Values would be names, found multiple times over the sheet. Some cells would be empty. I would like to add points whenever same name appears, and sort the names according to how much points they've earned.

So something like this (I'm not sure where to place that result)

List A List B List C Result: Points
15 Brian Jane Jane 27
12 Jane David Lloyd Brian 15
David 12
Lloyd 12

For practical uses... You can think of this as a simpler version of list-aggregating sites like TheyShootPictures. How can I implement this with excel?


2 Answers 2


You can also use Power Query.

Select the data range, right click it > Get Data from Table and Range.

enter image description here

Then select ListA, ListB and List C, choose Unpivot Columns in Transform tab. The nambe will be in "Value" column by default.

enter image description here

Choose Value column > Click Group By in Home tab.

enter image description here

We set the data is grouped by Value, and the new cloumn (Point) get the results of people's sum of points.

enter image description here

Choose Point column, click Sort from highest to lowest.

enter image description here

At last, you can click File > Close and Load To.


Adapt the formula below. It uses the SUMPRODUCT function to calculate the sum based on the provided criteria.

The SUMPRODUCT function returns the sum of the products of corresponding ranges or arrays. The default operation is multiplication, but addition, subtraction, and division are also possible.




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