Within Ubuntu on WSL 2.0, what is the way:

  1. to mount Window's c:\lhome to Ubuntu's /lhome, and
  2. to have /lhome/username (Windows c:\lhome\username) as the home directory for username?

All programs within Ubuntu need to respect that username's home directory is /lhome/username

  • 2
    I may try to come back to provide an answer later, but I'll start with a comment that this is not recommended for multiple reasons. The Linux/Ubuntu/WSL home directory should be on a filesystem that is as POSIX-compliant as possible. When you access a Windows drive in WSL2, it uses the 9P network filesystem protocol which is not POSIX compliant. This will cause errors and unexpected behavior in some Ubuntu/Linux applications. In addition, 9P performance under WSL is at least an order of magnitude slower than that of the virtualized ext4 filesystem that WSL2 provides. Commented Jun 18, 2022 at 20:22
  • Is it possible to make c:\lhome "ext4" (whatever is preferred by WSL)? I believe the default home is something inside c:\users -- so the some folder inside c:\ has been made WSL friendly. If so, one advantage would be that a reinstall of WSL will not wipe away the home directory. Commented Jun 19, 2022 at 0:27
  • "I believe the default home is something inside c:\users -- so the some folder inside c:\ has been made WSL friendly." Not really, but I can explain more in an answer. "one advantage would be that a reinstall of WSL will not wipe away the home directory" Is that your main goal? If so, I can provide some solutions that will prevent that. Question -- Are you on Windows 10 or 11? Commented Jun 19, 2022 at 0:58
  • Preventing loss of home directory is one of the goals. On one of my Windows 11, nothing special happens in c:\users. On an another, c:\users is treated differently and I would like to eliminate my home directory being treated that way. Commented Jun 19, 2022 at 3:01
  • Can you elaborate on C:\Users being treated differently? Also, how would changing your Linux/WSL /home/username help with that? Thanks! Commented Jun 19, 2022 at 20:01

1 Answer 1


As mentioned in the comments, putting your WSL2 home directory on a Windows drive is not recommended for several reasons:

  • Your Linux home directory should be on a POSIX-compliant drive. Linux applications are going to expect this to be the case. While most applications will be okay, eventually you will come across something that won't work as expected. We can (and will) mitigate that somewhat with WSL settings below, but we can't change certain Windows behaviors.

  • Accessing Windows drives from WSL2 is extremely slow compared to the virtual ext4 filesystem. As I mention in that linked answer, a checkout of the WSL2 repo on a Windows drive under WSL2 took around 8 minutes, but only a few seconds on the "native" WSL2 filesystem.

With that in mind, the default WSL2 filesystem is in a virtual SDD (a Windows ext4.vhdx file). The location of that file is, by default, under:


There are (at least) three ways we can "change" the home directory so that it isn't in that location.

Option 1: Move the entire WSL virtual drive to a new location/distro

My personal preference (and I now always do this anyway) is to copy the distro itself to a new location.

  1. Exit WSL

  2. Launch PowerShell and run the following:

    cd ~
    wsl -l -v
    # Confirm the name of the distro
    wsl --export <distroname> wsl_backup.tar
    mkdir <new_disk_location> # C:\lhome perhaps
    # New distro name can be whatever you want,
    # but not Ubuntu, Ubuntu-20.04, etc.
    wsl --import Ubuntu_WSL2 <new_disk_location> wsl_backup.tar
    wsl ~ -d Ubuntu_WSL2
  3. You will start as the root user. You'll need to change the default username. See this answer for information on how to create or modify /etc/wsl.conf.

Once you have confirmed that the new instance works properly, you can remove the old one with:

wsl --unregister <old_distroname>

Distributions that you have manually configured like this will not be impacted by uninstalling the Ubuntu application itself.

This method may or may not meet your particular needs for this use-case, but again, it's my personal choice.

Option 2: Create and mount a new vhdx for your home directory (Windows 11 only)

Note: I have not tested this technique (nor the next) extensively in a production system.

Since you have Windows 11, you can create and mount a separate vhdx file for your home directory. If you have the WSL Preview that can be installed from the Microsoft Store under Windows 11, it's even easier.

I'm going to cover the Preview method here, and refer you to the Microsoft docs on how to mount a VHD file in WSL if you need to go with the more complicated route.

There's a big downside to this technique, however. You must mount the virtual disk into WSL manually at this point before starting WSL. I would expect that there will eventually be an "automount" option in .wslconfig, but it's not there yet, or at least not documented.

So if WSL shuts down or restarts, you'll need to manually issue a wsl --mount command before relaunching it, or your home directory won't be found.

With that in mind, here's now to set up a home directory on a new virtual disk:

One-time configuration:

  1. In an admin PowerShell, run:

    New-VHD -Dynamic -SizeBytes 60gb -BlockSizeBytes 1mb -Path C:\lhome\userhome.vhdx    
  2. In your regular PowerShell session:

    wsl --mount --vhd --bare C:\lhome\userhome.vhdx
    wsl ~
  3. Inside WSL:

    # Identify the proper drive (likely the last one listed, but confirm)
    sudo mkfs -t ext4 /dev/<drive>
    sudo mkdir /lhome
  4. Exit WSL, and from PowerShell (as a regular user) once again:

    wsl --terminate <distroname>
    wsl --unmount C:\lhome\userhome.vhdx
    wsl --mount --vhd --name lhome C:\lhome\userhome.vhdx
    wsl ~ -u root
  5. Inside WSL (you should be root now, based on the preceding -u root), confirm that you have a /mnt/wsl/lhome now mounted.

  6. Edit fstab:

    sudo -e /etc/fstab

    Add the following line at the bottom (tabs to separate fields):

    /mnt/wsl/lhome  /lhome  none    bind
  7. Edit wsl.conf:

    sudo -e /etc/wsl.conf

    Add the following:

    mountFsTab = false
    command="mount -a"

    This essentially tries to work around a timing issue (hopefully) where the wsl --mount is not made available to the instance until after /etc/fstab is processed. It turns off the autoprocessing and then runs it manually as a startup command. It's a hacky workaround, but it's working for me.

  8. Create your new home directory inside the mounted vhdx:

    mkdir /lhome/username
    # Assuming your default uid/gid is 1000, which it should be under WSL
    chown 1000:1000 /lhome/username
    usermod -d /lhome/username yourusername
  9. Exit WSL. In PowerShell, issue:

    wsl --terminate <distroname>
    wsl ~

Your home directory should now be /lhome/username. You can confirm this with cd ~; pwd.

Again, this method will require that you issue the wsl --mount command each time WSL itself restarts (via computer restart or wsl --shutdown or other).

Option 3: A bind mount to the Windows folder

Again, this method really isn't recommended for the reasons listed at the beginning of this post, but here goes.

Assuming you want C:\lhome in Windows to become /lhome in WSL:

  1. Revert any of the changes if you tried the second option above. If you did try Option 2, and you want to switch to Option 3, then make sure you wsl --shutdown as well before proceeding.

  2. In an administrative PowerShell:

    mkdir C:\lhome
    # directory must be empty
    fsutil.exe file setCaseSensitiveInfo C:\lhome\ enable

    This turns on case sensitivity for so that abc and ABC are different files. This gets us one step closer, at least, to POSIX compatibility.

  3. In File Explorer, right-click on C:\lhome, choose Properties -> Security and Edit the "Authenticated Users" to add "Full Permissions".

  4. Back in WSL:

    sudo mkdir /lhome
    sudo -e /etc/fstab

    ... and add the following line at the bottom:

    drvfs /lhome 9p rw,dirsync,noatime,aname=drvfs;path=C:\lhome;uid=1000;gid=1000;metadata;umask=22;fmask=11;case=dir,mmap,access=client,msize=262144,trans=virtio 0 0

    This mounts the Windows C:\lhome into /lhome and enables metadata and case=dir for improved POSIX compatibility. This (again) assumes that your user is UID/GID 1000. If not, adjust it.

  5. Exit WSL, terminate it (from PowerShell -- wsl --terminate <distro_name>) and restart. Check that the drive is mounted with mount | grep lhome.

    Create the user home directory:

    mkdir /lhome/username

    Confirm that C:\lhome\username now exists.

  6. Exit WSL, then restart with wsl ~ -u root and:

    # Assuming your default uid/gid is 1000, which it should be under WSL
    chown 1000:1000 /lhome/username
    usermod -d /lhome/username yourusername

    This, of course, mimics the steps from the second option above.

  7. Exit WSL. In PowerShell, issue:

    wsl --terminate <distroname>
    wsl ~

Your home directory should now be /lhome/username. You can confirm this with cd ~; pwd. If you touch ~/abc, you should find the file created in your C:\lhome\username directory as well.

  • To use command line tools such as diff, wget, rsync, git on Windows files, one would need Windows' versions of the tools (e.g., MinGW) and one would not be able to use such tools from WSL, correct? Commented Jul 11, 2022 at 16:06

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