I need help to configure a serial port (/dev/ttyS1 or /dev/ttyUSB0 is the same) to communicate vs other hosts via IP (without modem). Some years ago it was possible ma I don't remember how. Anyone have an idea?

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    – Community Bot
    Commented Jun 3, 2022 at 8:37

1 Answer 1


PPP using pppd is likely the most standard method (supported on many different platforms), and pppd works more-or-less the same whether a modem is involved or not.

Unfortunately the general TLDP "PPP HOWTO" hasn't been updated for ages (like most of TLDP), so it still refers to ancient Linux 1.x and 2.x kernels – but the parts involving actual pppd configuration will still be 80% the same today, especially the page on direct connections. The TLDP "Leased line HOWTO" may also be useful.

An even older alternative to PPP is SLIP, using the slattach command. While PPP is cross-platform, SLIP is only implemented on Unix systems, but may be simpler to configure.

  • 1
    SLIP implementations exist for other operating systems. But it is ancient and very difficult to get to work on any modern OS that isn't Unix (and that includes Linux as well). pppd is almost as old, but as it became one of the de-facto dailup standards for (a)DSL it is much better supported and is a lot easier to get documentation for. I ran several SLIP networks in de late 80's myself and switching to pppd was a no-brainer when that became available.
    – Tonny
    Commented Jun 3, 2022 at 9:04

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