Is it possible to configure W10 to provide a better environment for someone with poor eyesight. i.e. Change or alter fonts etc., to make reading the screens easier.

2 Answers 2


Windows 10 has a bunch of 'Ease of Access' features. Press Start, and type in 'ease of access', and you'll see a list something like this

enter image description here

  • Thanks. I Like ... "Press left Alt + left Shift + Print Screen to turn high contrast on and off."
    – joc
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 16:02

Is it possible to configure W10 to provide a better environment for someone with poor eyesight

Here is a Windows 10 Screen Shot with some specific features.

Windows 10 Accessibility

Key are the Magnifier to make text much bigger. This can be very helpful.

Also look at High Contrast to make text stand out more.

There are other settings, but the two above are very key.

  • Great. I like Win+ + and Win + - particularly
    – joc
    Commented May 24, 2022 at 15:59

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