Ubuntu 20.04 (running inside VirtualBox, if that's important.)
tmux 3.0a (installed via apt)
fish 3.4 (and  earlier 3.3)
starship.rs 1.1.1 
Font: FiraCode Mono

I have configured my prompt to look as follows, by default:

default prompt with fish and starship.rs

However when I start tmux it changes to:

prompt after running tmux

I have another laptop with the same pieces of software, except all of it runs under WSL2 and I use Windows Terminal, where this doesn't happen; the arrow remains after starting tmux. Could anyone tell me what's wrong here? Happy to share configs, if required, although .tmux.conf doesn't exist, yet.

1 Answer 1


Had the same issue -

tmux -u

solved it.

  • Thank you. This fixed the problem. I would expect something like this to happen in Windows/WSL rather than Ubuntu.
    – navneethc
    Commented Mar 18, 2022 at 22:22

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