I have an SSD disk with LVM volumes (used for Proxmox) that i want to move to smaller SSD. The original disk is 525 GB large, the new drive has 500 GB. I have shrinked the physical volume and the partition on the original drive, hoping a device-device clone in Clonezilla will go trough.

Below you can see how GParted shows the allocated space. Screenshot of GParted

Afterwards I have tried to run clonezilla with the option -icds while keeping the source partition table but i still get a disk too small error.

My second attempt was to go with the option 'Resize partitional table proportionally. ', but here i got an error while copying the boot partition saying disk is too small: Screenshot of Partclone error message

Any ideas how to procees are welcome

  • Is it an option to use dd instead? Commented Feb 20, 2022 at 19:43
  • tried dd as well, took a few hours to get trough, but for some reason the partition table on the target disk is not showing up. i have also tried to restore the partition form the source disk but it fails and manually i cant create it either. on the source disk , the first partition starts at sector 34, but on the target disk i cant sent anything lower than 2048... Commented Feb 26, 2022 at 17:41
  • unix.stackexchange.com/a/574262/454022 Commented Feb 26, 2022 at 17:43
  • thanks, the trick wish sgdisk worked. i have now successfully migrated the disk, but there is one more issue, the original drive had 512 byte sectors, the new one has 4096 bytes advanced format, so i think my partitions are misaligned. so far it seems that the easiest way to solve to use clonezilla and clone the drive a different disk using partclone, then cloning it back. as the disk has now the correct size there should be no problem with the size Commented Feb 26, 2022 at 23:10


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