Following my question here on SuperUser and here on StackOverFlow.

I've noticed that Windows 8.3 path only apply to local path like: C:\Program Files and not on network path like: \\MyNetworkPAth\Shared folder\MyFooFolder (it returns the same path).

For example decoding Windows 8.3 path of C:\Program Files with using the .NET code of:

public static extern int GetShortPathName([MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] string path, [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPTStr)] StringBuilder shortPath, int shortPathLength);

StringBuilder shortPath = new StringBuilder(248);
GetShortPathName("C:\Program Files", shortPath, shortPath.Capacity);
string destinationPath = shortPath.ToString(); --> "C:\PROGRA~1"

While network path:

StringBuilder shortPath = new StringBuilder(248);
GetShortPathName("\\MyNetworkPAth\Shared folder\MyFooFolder", shortPath, shortPath.Capacity);
string destinationPath = shortPath.ToString(); --> "\\MyNetworkPAth\Shared folder\MyFooFolder"

Is it possible to apply Windows 8.3 path to network paths?

  • 2
    Windows 8.3 paths can only be retrieved if they are there. You can use cmd with dir /x to see them, but indeed, on network shares, they are empty, so long answer short, not possible, only locally.
    – LPChip
    Commented Jan 8, 2022 at 22:08

1 Answer 1


An ability to apply 8dot3 names on file system depend on the following subjects:

  1. The specific path should be related to a volume. Only if the specific path is “located” on a volume this volume can be configured to support the 8dot3 names.
  2. The specific path should be related to a volume that configured to support 8dot3 names.

To understand more deeply how it works and how to configure volume to support 8dot3 names see the fsutil 8dot3name command description.

To list all volumes on a system use the diskpart command:

  • ⊞ Win+R
  • diskpart Enter
  • list volume Enter

The displayed list of volumes can help to understand if the specific path can be converted to the 8dot3 format.

Additional references: Naming a Volume

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