I have a list of values with an amount and a date.

I would like to display it like a stacked (?) bar chart where each value is marked with its own box, and then displayed on the corresponding day – adding up to the total for each day.

I understand there might be a few manipulations needed of the table, but am not good enough in Excel programming to figure out how to do this. The example table is small enough to allow manual sorting, but ideally I'm looking for a solution that also work with large tables.

See image of what I have and what I want

Here is a different answer that is very similar: Create a stacked bar chart that displays data in monthly intervals?

but that example uses months instead, and I can't seem to crack how to get it to work with days in my table...

1 Answer 1


Sort your data by Date.

Add a new column called ID with this formula:


enter image description here

Drag the formula to the bottom of the list.

Now create a pivot chart using Insert>Pivot Chart:

enter image description here

  • Thank you. That worked very well, although I had to type in the formula manually for it to work (small tip to any other Mac Office-users. ) Commented Dec 13, 2021 at 19:03
  • Actually: I had to write the formula like this (with semikolons instead of commas): =IF(A3<>A2;1;C2+1) Commented Jan 24, 2022 at 11:17
  • The commas vs semicolons are a regional difference in characters used for array element separators. Do you also use different decimal and thousands separators? Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 1:35
  • @FlexYourData - clever. Commented Feb 8, 2022 at 1:39

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