So on my iPhone it remembers if I had Bluetooth on when plane mode was disabled and when I enable plane mode Bluetooth stays on. I was wondering if the new Windows 11 has that same feature. I've tried it but it doesn't seem to work and I'm not sure if I have to turn on anything.

  • Why don’t you just skip using airplane mode and only disable your cellular service? You can also just try it.
    – Ramhound
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 9:45
  • @Ramhound On windows I don't have cellular, just Wi-Fi. Thing is it's easier to enable or disable plane mode using my keyboard with fn+f2 key rather than having to open action center and do it there, and every time I do that I have to enable Bluetooth again and connect my devices which is frustrating. Also I couldn't find a button or fn key that does the same for Bluetooth like with plane mode, it would've been way easier if there was.
    – Nura
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 10:39
  • @Ramhound Thirdly is sometimes the Wi-Fi misbehaves and when it does the Wi-Fi icon turns into a globe icon which is the same icon that shows when WiFi is off and that's confusing because I then have to open action center to check if WiFi is on or it's just misbehaving which tends to happen a lot and tends to get frustrating real quick. It would be great if I could just turn on plane mode with my fn key when I want to turn off Wi-Fi and have Bluetooth stay on all the time. This is difficult with windows 10 and felt like torture and so I was wondering if the feature is available in windows 11.
    – Nura
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 10:40
  • Airplane mode is only required for your cell phone. WiFi being enabled but not connected to a network isn’t a safety concern. Of course you provided none of that detail in your question
    – Ramhound
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 12:54
  • @Ramhound my question was simple and straightforward. I wanted to make it as easy as possible to understand that’s why it was short and to the point.
    – Nura
    Commented Dec 8, 2021 at 12:57


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