I've got a directory of mp3 files, which look a little like this:

Blue Elephant part 1.mp3
Blue Elephant part 2.mp3
Tale of Two Cities part 1.mp3
Tale of Two Cities part 2.mp3
Lookism part 1.mp3
Lookism part 2.mp3

There's always two parts, and they are named consistently. I want to output:

Blue Elephant.mp3
Tale of Two Cities.mp3

... so each pair of files is merged. How would I do this with ffmpeg or cat on the command line?

1 Answer 1


Try this:

ffmpeg -i "concat:Blue Elephant part 1.mp3|Blue Elephant part 2.mp3" -i "Blue Elephant part 2.mp3" -acodec copy Blue Elephant.mp3 -map_metadata 0:1
  • thanks. how would I do this for the whole folder?
    – cannyboy
    Commented Dec 29, 2021 at 23:02

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