First of all, I'm frustrated as hell, I'm facing this problem for the last 6 months when I first thought to try android on a PC.

Till then, I've tried multiple iso's from android 7 to android 9 but nothing worked, even the persistence version isn't running. Everytime same error and the same never-ending blinking cursor.

I'm posting here as the last hope, and I don't even know how this forum works but I'm just putting this in front of you all!

So, first of all, I've tried both manual & automatic ways of installing Android 9 (and all previous versions) I've even tried all those basic tweaks like changing "Acceleration" to "KVM", setting "Graphics Control" to VBoxVGA & VBoxSVGA and I've even tried checking/unchecking "3D Acceleration", and all other little tweaks like that (basically I've viewed and applied every Youtube method you can find).

This might give you a rough idea of my knowledge in this installation process. Check the below screenshots for better understanding:

VirtualBox Configs

Trying to Add nomodeset xforcevesa

Never-ending error that I'm facing

Result In Debug Mode (it just stop there)

Even Edit Method Didn't Work

Even Host VT Is Enabled

Host PC: Windows 8.1 x64 (VT Enabled) -- Virtual Box Version: 6.1.28 -- ISO: Android-x86_64-9.0-r2 (921 MB)

If any of you guys can help please I'm here. I'm new to this Linux world and I don't want to be discouraged by the cold, unresponsive community question. And if someone is going to respond with "try installing it again!" than please don't even bother to respond!!!

I've roughly installed & tried it 205 TIMES!!!

Regards, Sunny



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