I'd like to find a way to block websites like https://checkip.amazonaws.com or at least restrict them to the point they can no longer output my server's public IP address.

For example, if I do curl https://checkip.amazonaws.com my output would simply be (or in other words, my IP address).

Is there a way to have an app that would inspect the output of each website my server tries to connect to and if the output contains a specific string, it automatically blocks it?


  • 1
    But this doesn't hide it from the public... it only hides the address from yourself. What is the point of that? Commented Nov 6, 2021 at 19:28
  • Basically, I just want to hide it from myself. I run a reverse proxy across some servers hosted on specific nodes. Their IP should remain hidden, so users can never get access to the public IP by just looking up checkip.amazonaws.com and similar.
    – OpenSource
    Commented Nov 6, 2021 at 19:35
  • well, if you want to establish bi-directional communication with someone (and if you are using HTTP on top of TCP, you do want bi-directional communication), then each side will send packets with source ip and destination ip and it needs to make sence. You can have a middlebox that sits at the middle of the connection and changes IP addresses in packets (which will be a proxi server or a NAT). The last sentence describes a firewall. Although, since most of web-sites use HTTPs, you probably won't be able to inspect it.
    – Effie
    Commented Nov 6, 2021 at 19:54
  • Also, i think there are also non-web based services that return you your IP, e.g., STUN servers. So, i would go with NAT.
    – Effie
    Commented Nov 6, 2021 at 19:56
  • If you block sites like checkip, myip, etc, that won’t deny any other host to get your IP address. Then, what you should do is clarifying which connexion you want to allow (it is the reverse logic). You should also clarify the architecture : is your firewall external (between Internet and your server), or just firewall rules on your server. Commented Nov 6, 2021 at 20:47


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