Google Drive has recently updated the desktop file sync client from the old Backup and Sync to a new system. With the old program, I used net use at the Windows Command Prompt, e.g. net use r: "\\localhost\c$\path\to\my\Google Drive" to map my Google Drive folder to drive letter R:\, that way it'd be consistent on any machine. But, with the new program, trying something similar, net use m: "\\localhost\j$\My Drive" yields this error:

System error 53 has occurred.

The network path was not found.

The path J:\ used by the new Google Drive is actually a virtual drive, which may be the issue. I also had issues with the subst command. How do I map my My Drive folder to a persistent drive letter that will cooperate with Google's file syncing? In case it matters, I'm on Windows 10.

1 Answer 1


Per this post, it isn't possible because of the way the virtual drive works.

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