I have an internal website and a few microservices that are only accessible on a VPN (which is set up using WireGuard running in docker).

Currently, users access these services by using the private/local IP address of the servers assigned by the VPN server and optionally adding a port number, e.g. <server IP>:<server port>.

Is it possible to create fully qualified domain names that resolve to the location of these services ONLY when users are connected to the VPN?

I could create a regular DNS rule mapping some FQDN to the public IP address of the internal website server, but not all of the servers have unique public IP addresses.

Can I somehow run my own DNS server on the VPN that takes priority over public DNS servers? I imagine that this way, if I have specified that www.google.com should resolve to, users would end up at that address rather than the real google.com site. If I hadn't specified that rule, I would want users to fall back to a public DNS service.

Is this possible? (or bad practice?)

Hopefully, that makes sense. This is my first question on StackExchange :)

  • Have you looked at adding --add-host to your docker run invocation, or extra_hosts: if you're using docker-compose? (example)
    – Kyle
    Commented Oct 4, 2021 at 15:25
  • What I'm saying is that you could add this to the VPN container.
    – Kyle
    Commented Oct 4, 2021 at 15:29


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