I don't know much about network-related issues. I am trying to set up a small web server on a Raspberry Pi. I have the latest Raspberry Pi OS and installed Apache on it, and when opening the local IP address of the server in my browser it works fine, I can see the Apache welcome page. The issue comes when I try to access it from the outside, with the external IP address.

I went to my router settings to set up port forwarding for port 80 (the default for HTTP, if I understood correctly), and also port 443 (for HTTPS, just in case). When I enter the external IP address in a browser, nothing loads and the connection times out. Since it works fine with the internal IP address, I suppose the issue is with the router not allowing traffic to reach the server (or maybe the ISP is blocking inbound traffic?), but I have no idea how to make sure of that. Or maybe there is something I missed when setting up the server ?

I know that ISPs can change IP addresses sometimes, but mine didn't change at any time during the test I did. The router is a CGN5-AP of Hitron and the ISP is Taiwan Mobile.

Edit: screenshot of my router settings

  • When you are entering the external IP into the address bar, are you also using the port number? (e.g Also can you specify how you setup your port-forwarding? It could help others give you a more specific answer.
    – mully
    Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 14:05
  • You're correct about the ports. You should give your RasPi a static IP to exclude any problems that failing DHCP might cause. Then, if the port forwarding is correctly configured, you just need open a browser outside your network and go to https://your.external.ip the traffic should be directed to your RasPi. Can you post a screenshot showing the port forwarding in your router? Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 14:09
  • Are you trying to connect to yourself via the internet? If yes, the router might not support it. Try for example from your phone, from truly outside your local network.
    – harrymc
    Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 14:12
  • I tried both with and without specifying the port. I also tried to connect with my phone on mobile data, none of it worked. I added a screenshot of the port forwarding settings.
    – Seldi
    Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 14:19
  • Some ISPs block 'common' hosting ports. Its also worth checking to see if your IP external to your network is a 'real' IP or a CGN IP
    – Journeyman Geek
    Commented Sep 22, 2021 at 14:22

1 Answer 1


In the end I called my ISP. Due to language barrier I couldn't explain the whole problem and I ended up just asking for a fixed IP address. They sent a technician and now it works. I'm not sure whether they only gave me a fixed IP or did something else too, but now I can connect from the outside.

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