I cloud not find files filling the disk. df -h command print out / part usage %86 ( capacity is 15G ) but du -sh / command print out 3G.

I am using nfs share on my system. the nfs mounted to /mnt. i remembered i copied to /mnt some files before mount to nfs. nfs share unmounted to /mnt . i can find filling files.

How can I find the files without nfs unmounted.

Thanks for helping Regards.

1 Answer 1


Create a temporary mountpoint and run mount --bind / /mnt2. This will clone the / mount (i.e. the same filesystem will be mounted at two places), but it will not clone sub-mounts, so /mnt2/mnt will let you access all files that are currently "covered" by the NFS mount.

After cleaning it out, unmount /mnt2 normally.

  • The method is working. Also i tested for local disk and SAN disk mounted to local directory. Thanks for helping.
    – Hasan
    Commented Sep 5, 2021 at 10:28

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