let me outline that there are 2 PCs in this problem; 1 old pc and 1 new pc. The old PC had visual studio code installed on a secondary drive.

Later, I moved the main drive to the 1 new pc. I then activated windows 10 again on the new pc. I also made sure that the visual studio code folder in %appdata%/user is deleted, etc (on the main drive). I was unable to uninstall visual studio code b/c it is no longer available from the secondary drive which failed in the 1 old pc.

I'm having a hard time installing visual studio code again and get: "The drive or UNC share you selected does not exist or is not accessible. Please select another"

I also checked the storage settings for “change where new content is saved”, and all drives are good.

What steps should I do? I tried deleting files and folders and .vscode in the main drive also...

  • Maybe a permission issue, Do you have rights the rights to that folder?
    – dmb
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 0:50
  • Please provide the installation logs
    – Ramhound
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 1:15
  • @Ramhound how do I get the installation logs? Atm I can't even get past the first 2 menu prompts of the install wizard.
    – Royce
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 17:50
  • @Roys - When I performed a Google search on the subject, it appears, that %AppData%\Code\logs might be the directory. However, that might not be the installation logs, so I will try to figure it out myself. Are you using the User Installer or System Installer?
    – Ramhound
    Commented Sep 4, 2021 at 18:00

1 Answer 1


What I would do, is delete all Visual Studio Code folders, as if it were a new fresh install.

  • VSCode extensions are located in %userprofile%/.vscode.

    If you have a list of your extensions and don't mind re-downloading those, you can delete that folder.

  • VSCode user and configuration files are located in %appdata%\Roaming\Code\User.

    I really recommend you to save that folder or make a backup somewhere. There is all your VSCode settings. After that, you can delete that folder.

  • VSCode excecutables and program files are located in %localappdata%\Programs\Microsoft VS Code.

    There are no problem deleting that folder, your settings are backed up anyway. This can solve some excecutable/installer conflicts tho.

If that doesn't work, it's pretty sure the "Uninstaller" registered on Windows is inaccessible. You can remove the program in Control Panel list manually using software like CCleaner or Bulk Crap Uninstaller (I recommend this one).

OR, deleting this key in registry:


That last solution was proposed in this issue on VSCode repo on GitHub:


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